Houston Federal Executive Board Infectious Disease Plan
The Houston Federal Executive Board (FEB) is tasked with providing support to Federal Agencies throughout Houston in times of emergency. When faced with an infectious disease outbreak determined to be of significance by the World Health Organization (WHO), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), or State and Local Health Departments, the FEB will enact the following plan as it provides guidance or assistance to Federal Agencies.
(in addition to your regular Continuity of Operations requirements)
Prior to Outbreak/Event
- Develop plan; review plan on regular basis.
- Educate and train employees on infectious disease and pandemic influenza issues and agency’s plan.
- Purchase infection control supplies.
- Conduct annual infectious disease / disease containment / etc. tabletop exercise or scenario-driven discussion at a minimum.
- Communicate importance of developing family preparedness plan to employees
- Develop Telework Program and test periodically.
- Develop Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs) with health agencies.
- Houston State Department of Health, OKC-County Health Department, Tulsa Health Department, or CDC – Annual Updates.
Confirmed Human Outbreak of Interest Overseas (outside North America)
- Review all previous recommended agency actions.
- Review Pandemic/COOP Plans and assess supplies.
- Provide continued employees education and training (home readiness kit, essentials, etc.).
- Relay Federal travel advisories to employees.
- Review MOUs with health agencies.
- Review interagency actions in shared use facilities.
- Brief employees on confirmed outbreak.
- Conduct test of telework program.
- Purchase additional personal health and hygiene supplies as appropriate.
- Share status briefing from Houston State Department of Health, OKC-County Health Department, Tulsa Health Department, or CDC.
- Review Federal Agency medication distribution plan.
- Link or post Federally-issued travel advisories on FEB web site.
- Brief on Personnel Issues during a Pandemic (OPM).
Widespread Outbreak in Multiple Locations Overseas (outside North America)
- Review all previous recommended agency actions.
- Relay Federally-issued travel advisory updates to employees.
- Review, finalize, and test/retest telework plans (train employee family members on restricted internet usage).
- Start pre-positioning personal health and hygiene supplies.
- Develop an Alternate work schedule plan. (Adjusting work shifts to maximize social distancing)
- Review employee emergency pay and leave policies.
- Review social distancing measures and begin to plan for implementation.
- Review essential functions/personnel.
- Consider appropriate time to suspend non-essential Employee services (such as gym).
- Provide status update and useful website links.
- Provide Employee Education Recommendations.
- Send Federal Agency medication distribution plan reminder.
- Update Federally-issued travel advisories on FEB web site.
Outbreak in North America but not in Houston
- Review all previous recommended agency actions.
- Continue employee communication/education efforts (continue update on situation).
- Consider discontinuing non-essential Employee services (such as gym) based on the severity of the outbreak.
- Consider limitations on official travel of employees as appropriate.
- Review and consider implementing social distancing measures.
- Review and consider implementing telework program.
- Share Houston State Department of Health, OKC-County Health Department, Tulsa Health Department, or CDC updates.
- Provide update on Federal or State issued travel advisories.
Outbreak in Houston
- Review all previous recommended agency actions.
- Continue staff briefing/update on situation.
- Review and implement teleworking as appropriate.
- Consider implementation of alternate work schedules to maximize social distancing.
- Monitor and document health and welfare of personnel.
- strongly encourage employees displaying symptoms to stay home for length of time recommended by CDC.
- Review HR/Agency policies regarding leave and suspension of medical documentation requirements.
- Consider limitations on official travel of employees as appropriate.
- Implement remaining social distancing measures.
- If appropriate – have employees complete medication distribution form provided by Houston State Department of Health, OKC-County Health Department, or Tulsa Health Department.
- Provide Web Cast / Teleconference Meeting for updates.
- Share Houston State Department of Health, OKC-County Health Department, Tulsa Health Department, or CDC updates.
- Identify agency challenges / assistance needed.
- Provide update Federal or State issued travel advisories.
Additional Waves / Outbreaks and Recovery
- Provide continual staff briefing/update on situation.
- Prepare for future/additional waves if applicable.
- Coordinate with Houston State Department of Health, OKC-County Health Department, or Tulsa Health Department on possible mass medication distribution through continuing waves.
- Work on restoring normal agency operations.
- Assess employee assistance program needs.
- Coordinate employee assistance program services to meet the needs among the agencies.
Website Ideals
Categories | Provider | Web site |
H1N1 Site | Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) | http://cdc.gov/h1n1flu/ |
CDC | http://cdc.gov/h1n1flu/whatsnew.htm | |
Travel Advisories | CDC | www.cdc.gov/travel |
World Health Organization (WHO) | www.who.int/en | |
U.S. State Department | www.state.gov | |
General Information | New York Department of Health | https://www.health.ny.gov/ |
Houston City-County Health Department | https://www.health.ny.gov/ | |
Tulsa Health Department | www.tulsa-health.org | |
CDC | www.cdc.gov | |
Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy University of Minnesota | www.cidrap.umn.edu | |
Health and Human Services (HHS) | www.hhs.gov | |
Human Capital | Office of Personnel Management (OPM) | www.opm.gov |
General Services Administration (GSA) | www.gsa.gov | |
Family Preparedness | Department of Homeland Security (DHS) | www.ready.gov |
American Red Cross | www.redcross.org/ | |
Citizen Corps | www.citizencorps.gov/ | |
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) | www.fema.gov/areyouready/ | |
Planning Resources | Flu.gov | www.pandemicflu.gov |
The White House | www.whitehouse.gov | |
U.S. Department of Education | www.ed.gov | |
Department of Labor | www.dol.gov | |
Telework Guidance | www.policyworks.gov | |
U.S. Army Center for Health Promotion and Preventive Medicine | www.apgea.army.mil | |
American Red Cross | www.redcross.org/ | |
FEMA | www.fema.gov/index.shtm | |
Citizen Corps | www.citizencorps.gov/ | |
Southwest Center for Public Health Preparedness | www.swcphp.ouhsc.edu/ | |
New York Department of Emergency Management | https://www.health.ny.gov/ | |
Occupational Safety and Health Administration | www.osha.gov/ | |
Food & Agriculture | Department of Agriculture | www.usda.gov |
Food and Drug Administration | www.fda.gov |